North Lanarkshire

 North Lanarkshire's pledge

North Lanarkshire's pledge

North Lanarkshire Council signed a concordat agreement with the Clyde Climate Forest committing to help plant 18 million trees by 2031.

The first tree plantings took place in early 2023 in the Hattonrigg area of Bellshill. Children from Noble Primary School worked with staff from environmental charity Trees for Cities, who are a Clyde Climate Forest delivery partner, to help plant more than 400 trees to the north of the town centre.

Other projects are likely to spring up across the region in the near future as the Council work with the CCF project to help them achieve their goal across the wider Glasgow City Region.



 Tree Planting

Tree Planting

North Lanarkshire Council is one of eight across Glasgow City Region aiming to connect up existing woodlands, plant new forests and target urban tree plantings in areas vulnerable to climate impacts.

Jim Logue, Leader of North Lanarkshire Council, added “We are delighted to commit to the Clyde Climate Forest’s ambitious targets for tree planting and recognise the multiple benefits trees can bring, particularly in our urban areas.”

“Trees capture carbon and provide clean air, they are the lungs of our towns. Involving our local communities in their planting and care also helps to encourage ownership of new trees and highlight the value they bring”

North Lanarkshire projects



Bellshill is a town in North Lanarkshire built on coal and iron, but now it is a growing modern town of almost 20,000 people. Bellshill was selected because of the low canopy cover at an estimated 10.2%.The combination of low canopy cover and data on deprivation from the Scottish Index...Read More


Central Wishaw

Wishaw is a large town in North Lanarkshire, which is the fourth largest local authority in Scotland by population.It lies on the edge of the Clyde Valley, 15 miles (24 km) south-east of Glasgow city centre with a population of more than 30,000.We aim to plant trees in Central Wishaw...Read More


North Motherwell

Motherwell is an historic town in North Lanarkshire, Scotland. Formally a small hamlet on the site of a Roman fort, it has grown to host a population of around 32,000 today. In the 1800's iron and steel was developed in Motherwell, facilitated by the arrival of the railway, and by...Read More