
 We need land to plant trees

We need land to plant trees

The Clyde Climate Forest can’t succeed without land upon which to plant trees, woods and forests. We need landowners and land managers to consider the benefits of tree planting as part of the Clyde Climate Forest. There are many opportunities for landowners including; growing timber and carbon credits for use or sale, as shelter for crops or livestock and provision of valuable wildlife habitat.

If you own or manage land and you’re interested in the Clyde Climate Forest, please make contact with us. Free Farm Woodland Assessments and woodland creation grants may also be available.

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Target areas for tree planting

Target Areas

We wish to encourage all landowners across the region to plant the right trees in the right places as part of the collective response to the climate and ecological crises. However, we are particularly keen to work with landowners in certain 'target areas' which are the focus for the Clyde Climate Forest.

In this section you can see where we wish to focus on:

  • forest and woodland creation to absorb carbon emissions;

  • broadleaved woodland creation to connect up woodland habitats;

  • tree planting in urban neighbourhoods to increase resilience to flooding and overheating.

CONTACT US - if you own or manage land in any of these areas

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Urban Neighbourhoods

We have identified 16 target urban neighbourhoods which will be the focus for the Clyde Climate Forest's urban tree canopy activity. These neighbourhoods currently have low levels of trees and high levels of vulnerability to flooding and overheating. More urban trees are part of the solution to making these areas more resilient to extreme weather events. See the full map here.

CONTACT US - if you own or manage land in any of these areas and you are willing to consider planting a tree (or trees)

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Woodland Connections

Reconnecting our fragmented wildlife habitats is one of the most important actions we can take to help reverse the dramatic collapse of our biodiversity over recent decades.

We have identified over 200 locations across our region where broadleaved woodland creation will connect up existing woodland habitats and help our woodland wildlife survive as the climate changes. Additional grants are available to landowners in the Clyde Climate Forest area who wish to plant broadleaved woodlands in these 'connectivity target areas'. See the full map here.

CONTACT US - if you own or manage land in any of the CCF connectivity target areas and you are willing to consider planting a broadleaved woodland.

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New Forests and Woodlands

Planting new forests and woodlands is one of the most effective ways of taking our carbon emissions out of the atmosphere and thereby helping to achieve 'Net Zero' and reducing the future impacts of climate change.

We need to see an expansion in forest and woodland land cover of 9,000 hectares across Glasgow City Region by 2032 if our region is to be in-line with Scottish Government's Climate Change Plan. Those new forests and woodlands could absorb up to 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 by 2045 - Scotland's target year to reach Net Zero. With a growing interest from investors in woodland carbon credits there has never been a better time to consider forest or woodland planting in our region.

The regional 'Forest & Woodland Strategy' identifies that 9,000 hectares of new forest or woodland land cover can be accommodated within 'preferred' or 'potential' areas of our region whilst avoiding environmentally sensitive or other important land-uses. See the full map here.

CONTACT US - if you own or manage land in any of the 'preferred' or 'potential' areas for woodland expansion and you are willing to consider planting a new forest or woodland.

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 Free Farm Woodland Assessments

Free Farm Woodland Assessments

As part of a programme of work to promote woodland creation within the Clyde Climate Forest, Scottish Forestry is offering a limited number of free Farm Woodland Assessments to help farms and estates identify opportunities for new woodland planting to support their farm businesses.

There are a limited number of assessments available so farmers and landowners are advised to register interest quickly, with deadlines for applications to be in by 20th December 2024.

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 Why You Might Be Interested

Why You Might Be Interested


  • to grow timber for sale or your own use;

  • to grow carbon credits for your own use, or to sell on and generate an income; 

  • to provide shelter to crops or livestock;

  • to provide wildlife habitats and landscape interest; 

  • to reduce areas of mown grass in parks and greenspaces

 What's On Offer

What's On Offer

There is a lot of information and advice available to you if you are considering planting trees, a woodland or a forest in Glasgow City Region as part of the Clyde Climate Forest. There are also substantial grants available (up to £6,100 per hectare) to landowners who create forests or woodlands through Scottish Forestry's Forestry Grant Scheme.

The Clyde Climate Forest team can provide you with information and advice on:

  • Woodland planting grants that are generally available;

  • Opportunities for woodland planting support through the Woodland Trust

  • Financial support mechanisms specifically available for Clyde Climate Forest projects

  • Opportunities for farmers to have a free Farm Woodland Assessment 

  • Opportunities for local authorities and other organisations to have a Woodland Potential Assessment on land they own or manage.

Case Studies

Utility Sector

Scottish Water

  • Plans to support biodiversity and Net Zero emissions through woodland expansion

  • Has identified sites to support development of the Clyde Climate Forest and will assess all landholdings for the potential to improve sequestration

Public Sector

Glasgow City Council

  • 40,000 trees being planted helping the council toward Net Zero in association with Green Action Trust

  • A new woodland habitat network linking Coulter’s Wood, Cathkin Braes and Cart & Kittoch woodland (a Site of Special Scientific Interest)

How Can I Get Involved?

Do you land we can plant on, can offer financial support or do you want to volunteer to help?

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you if you are interested in getting involved in any of our projects, drop us an email to learn more.