Habitat Connectivity projects



There are over 200 specific locations across the region where we need to plant trees to make strategic habitat connections. Reconnecting our fragmented woodland habitats is a key strand of CCF activity, helping to reverse habitat loss and ensure our woodland wildlife survives as the climate changes.

Developing tree planting schemes is challenging and takes time, but it’s important we get the right tree in the right place for maximum benefit.

Click below to see where our connectivity areas are located.

View Habitat Map
 Progress connecting up habitats

Progress connecting up habitats

Now we have a good understanding of the nature and type of ownership in these target areas, we have been making contact with landowners, encouraging them to plant native broadleaved trees and help connect up woodlands.

In 2022/23 we ran a programme of free farm woodland assessments, offering advice to farmers and landowners to help them identify opportunities for new woodland planting to support their farm business.

Building on the success of this, we’re now working with a number of farmers preparing fully costed proposals for delivery, hopefully in the 2023/24 planting season.

For anyone not yet involved. there are financial incentives available through the Forestry Grant Scheme to plant trees within these connectivity sites and we’re keen to talk to anyone interested in exploring options.

Click below to get in touch if you think you can help.

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How Can I Get Involved?

Do you land we can plant on, can offer financial support or do you want to volunteer to help?

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We'd love to hear from you if you are interested in getting involved in any of our projects, drop us an email to learn more.