New CCF Director in post

The Clyde Climate Forest are delighted to introduce Chris Stark as the new CCF Director.  Chris is a registered professional forester with a Masters in Forestry and more than 20 years experience in the sector.

Having previously worked on forestry grants and regulation, Chris helped write the Forestry Grant Scheme and has been involved in supporting complex woodland creation projects.

Chris Stark is the new CCF Director

Chris said, "I'm taking over the Clyde Climate Forest initiative at an exciting time.  The importance of urban trees is now widely recognised as a necessity in our cities, as we adapt to and mitigate a changing climate."

"The CCF team will continue to champion planting the right tree in the right place and promote ongoing tree maintenance. The CCF is an exemplar, not only in terms of what it continues to achieve on the ground, but also what can be achieved in partnership."

Woodland creation

Support for woodland creation can be found here


A new leaflet detailing the enhanced grant rates for Native Woodland Planting in the Clyde Climate Forest can be downloaded here.